Institute of Art and Design,
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Landscape Ecological
Design & Planning
Research laboratory
Professor Dr. Naoko Fujita: Director of the laboratory
School of Art and Design | Master's Program in Art | Doctoral Program in Art | Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences | Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
Landscape Ecology
Ecological Design
Sacred Shrine Forest
Cultural Biodiversity
Green Infrastructure
Lab. Overview
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGICAL DESIGN AND PLANNING RESEARCH LABORATORY, fujita naoko lab., is a piece of the faculty of Art and Design at the University of Tsukuba, JAPAN. We research on landscape structures and processes of natural environments, cultures, and human societies from the perspective of landscape ecology. Our laboratory emphasis on producing results as design such as proposing practical measures for regional planning and land use designs. We seek to answer the question “What is the ideal ecological design for future generations?”
Research Subjects
Our main research subject is the relationships among the natural environment, culture, and people within their local climate on the basis of landscape ecology and nature-based solutions.
Green Infrastructure, Eco-DRR, Landscape Ecology, Environmental Design, Landscape Ecological Design, Nature-based Solutions, Cultural Biodiversity, Value of Sacred Forests, Forest of Shinto Shrine, GIS, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Text Mining
Social Contribution Activities
Based on Research and Lectures
with/post CORONA
Art and design works provided by the art department, hoping that you will be able to enrich your "new daily life" with/after Corona.