People with disabilities represent 15% of the world's population and 7.4% of the Japanese population. We conduct this research in order to contribute to the realization of the SDGs by creating a symbiotic society where their physical and social segregation is removed.
The purpose of this study is to design the site space and communication contents mediated by agriculture while supporting the medical and welfare perspectives, and to clarify various effects including economic aspects. The characteristic feature of this research is to clarify the form of community based on scientific evidence through the approach of a medical corporation and an environmental design specialist to the agricultural activities of the disabled, which have been mainly conducted by agricultural corporations and welfare facilities.
Research Contents
<AGRI+CULTURE> Creating a multifaceted symbiotic environmental design for medical and welfare facilities for people with disabilities mediated by agriculture
Research on green space design and human resource development to promote agricultural and welfare cooperation
Creation of a community symbiotic environmental design to promote the mental and physical health of people with disabilities through "Agriculture and Fortune Cooperation"
Naoko Fujita
Tian Zile
Ding Ma
Research Fields, Research partners
Wakamori, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Yatabe, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Shunichiro Ito, President of the medical corporation AGRI
Research Information
This research is a collaboration with the medical corporation AGRI (PI: Naoko Fujita, RP: Shunichiro Ito, President of the medical corporation AGRI)
This research is supported by The Univers Foundation (Grant Recipients: Tian Zile)
This research is supported by Organization for Landscape and Urban Green Infrastructure (Grant Recipients: Tian Zile)
Research Activities