There are various problems in housing complexes across the country today, such as the aging population, the poverty of the child-rearing generation, and the increase in low-use areas. Meanwhile, the perspectives of “dietary education” and “horticultural welfare” are attracting attention.
Based on the results of our research on farming experience farms in Fukuoka Prefecture, we have begun a joint research project with UR to turn unused parking lots into farms.
This project connects many generations inside and outside the housing complex with "agriculture." A variety of subjects provide what they can, exercise regularly, harvest their own vegetables, and cook for themselves. Thus, we are researching opportunities for places that create communication.
This research was collaborated with Kyushu Branch of UR.
Some results of this research are from joint research using spatial data at the Center for Spatial Information Science (CSIS) of the University of Tokyo.
Naoko Fujita
Masayuki Kurata (~2019)
Ma Chen (~2018)
Yukari Miwa (~2016)
Research Fields, Research partners
Arizumi, Sawara, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Urban Renaissance Agency