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The Role of Third Places in Retirement

Max Hanssen

Doctoral student (2nd year)

2021 Cat A – My Third Place,” IFLA Europe Youth Competition, 2021,


Third Place and the Aging Demographic

In recent years, the aging demographic has surged with a pronounced shift, leading to a large portion of the population entering retirement [1]. The transition from work to retirement is a significant life event, often characterized by uncertainty and adapting new routines [3]. During this transition, the role of "Third Places" gains importance, as they play a crucial role in social lives and community interactions [4]:

Third places are public spaces where you can relax and communicate, without being bound by obligations such as home (first place) or work (second place). 

Research Purpose

As time progresses, our lives and daily interests naturally undergo changes, potentially shifting the third places we choose to visit. To investigate this shift from pre-to-post-retirement, this study identified 9 factors in 4 categories that hold importance for third places, drawing from Ray Oldenburg’s work and prior research [4,5]. These factors provides a hypothetical framework, which is tested via the following purpose to reveal retirees’ perspective on third places during post-retirement in comparison to pre-retirement by underscoring the third-place aspects considered important.

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Research Achievements

学術雑誌等 / Research Papers
(査読有) Hanssen, M., Kitajima, M., Lee, S., The Evaluation of Beneficial Walking Elements to Identify Motivations for Walking Habit Formation, Science of Emotion and Sensibility, Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility, vol.26(2), pp. 117–128, 2023
(査読無) Hanssen, M., Fujita, N., Ma, D., Shimada, S., Tian, Z., Gadhoum, L., Zandbergen, J., Lodewijks, A., Lee, S, Accessibility of Third Places around a University Campus: A Spatial Analysis on Travel Times and Usage Patterns, The Conference Papers of International Association of Geo-informatics, International Association of Geo-informatics 2023, pp. 262–269, 2023
(査読無) Hanssen, M., Kitajima, M., Lee, S., Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography (CCE) to Reveal Personal Walking Motivations and Nudging Habit Formation in Reaction, COGNITIVE 2023: The 15th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, pp. 32-38, 2023

国際会議(口頭発表・査読無)/ International Conference
Hanssen, M., Onchi, E., Kitajima, M., Lee, S., Subjective Differences of Walking Behaviors Between Familiar and Unfamiliar Routes, 4th International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility, pp. 91-99, Online, 2021 November (Encouragement Research Award)
Hanssen, M., Onchi, E., Liu, Z., Kitajima, M., Lee, S. A Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography Approach for Classifying Walking Motivations to Understand the Development of Walking Habits, Korea Society for Emotion and Sensibility 2022 Annual Spring Conference, pp. 53-56, Seoul (Korea), 2022 April (Best Paper Award)
Hanssen, M., Kitajima, M., Lee, S., Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography (CCE) to Reveal Personal Walking Motivations and Nudging Habit Formation in Reaction, COGNITIVE 2023: The 15th International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, pp. 32-38, Nice (France), 2023 June
Hanssen, M., Fujita, N., Ma, D., Shimada, S., Tian, Z., Gadhoum, L., Zandbergen, J., Lodewijks, A., Lee, S, Accessibility of Third Places around a University Campus: A Spatial Analysis on Travel Times and Usage Patterns, The 32nd Annual Conference of Geographic Information System Association (GISA) and International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG’i) 2023, E5-04, Tokyo (Japan), 2023 October
Hanssen, M., Fujita, N., Tian, Z., Zhou, Y., Comparative Study on the Sentiment Analysis of Third Place Space Perception in Different Life Stages, 13th International Conference on Landscape and Ecological Engineering, S3-03, Jeju (Korea), 2023 November
Hanssen, M., Kitajima, M., Lee, S., The Motivating Factors of the Surrounding Walking Environment for Habit Formation: An Exploratory Study using Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography, 5th International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility, Jeju (Korea), pp. 228-229, 2023 December (Best Oral Presentation Award)
Hanssen, M., Fujita, N., The Role of Third Places in Tsukuba's R8 Districts Among Aging Demographics, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, HTT15-09, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (Japan), 2024 May (Invited Papers)
Hanssen, M., Gao, Y., Zhang, X., Kotani, Y., Lee, S., Biometric Data Tracking Integration in Pedestrian Navigation Map Display: A Visualization of Mood Changes, 6th International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility, pp. ?-?, Seoul (Korea), 2024 June (Best Oral Presentation Award)

国内学会・シンポジウム(口頭発表・査読無)/ National Conference
Hanssen, M., Watari, K., 江戸モビテクチャー: 日本の江戸時代におけるモビテクチャーの意義. 日本デザイン学会 第69回 春季研究発表大会, 1B-03, Online, 2022 June
Hanssen, M., Watari, K., Fujita, N., The Significance of Biometric Data for the Evaluation of a Landscape, 2022年度日本造園学会関東支部大会, pp. 104 - 105, Ami (Japan), 2022 December
Hanssen, M., Fujita, N., The Effect of Regular Visits to Third Places for Retirement Adjustment: A Case Study of Korakuen Garden in Okayama, 2023年度日本造園学会関東支部大会, pp. 45 - 46, Maebashi (Japan), 2023 December

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fujita naoko Landscape Ecological Design & Planning
Research laboratory

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan

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Research lab,  Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba, Japan

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